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Selected Sacraments Certificates

Print certificates for a selection of sacramental records.


The Selected Sacraments Certificates report is available on the following Pages in Catholic systems only:
  • All Sacraments
  • Baptism
  • First Communion
  • Confirmation
  • Marriage


This report prints the text only, so it's great for printing directly onto certificate paper. If you'd rather print certificates using your own template, see Selected Sacrament Export instead.

  • Sacrament Type: Defaults to * All Sacraments Types, but you can select a type to generate certificates for only records of that type.
  • Show Notations (Baptism only): Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to generate an additional page for each Baptismal certificate that prints information related to that member's other sacraments (if any).
  • Profession Of Faith: Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to print a Profession of Faith or RCIA certificate. This only applies to Baptismal records that have Profession of Faith marked. This doesn't change certificates of any other type.
  • Show Logo: Defaults to No, but you can select Yes to print the image from the Parish or Sacrament Place record at the top-center of the certificate.
    Tip: For the best fit, we recommend images be 420 pixels wide x 72 pixels high.

Be sure to click View Report to load any changes you make to parameters.

Note: Consider the following regarding fields used in this report:
  • The church that displays comes from the Parish field on the sacrament record. If you want to customize the way this displays on the letter, you can enter a value for the Parish name and location on the sacrament record.
  • Only two sponsors or witnesses print on the certificate, and the order they print depends on the Print Order on the Sponsor or Witness records.
