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Group Finder URL Filters

You can pre-filter the Group Finder URL so specific search criteria are auto-filled when someone clicks the link.

Append the group_finder.aspx URL as needed. Most of the following require the record ID rather than the record title. To find the record ID, open the appropriate record and note the ID.

The available filters are:
  • Congregation: ?filter=campus:<congregation ID>
  • Zip Code: ?filter=zip:<zip code>
  • Keyword: ?filter=keyword:<keyword> EX: ?filter=keyword:book
  • Group Focus: ?filter=groupfocus:<group focus ID>
  • Life Stage: ?filter=lifestage:<life stage ID>
  • Meeting Day: ?filter=<day>:1
    • EX: ?filter=sun:1
    • EX: ?filter=mon:1
    • EX: ?filter=tue:1
    • EX: ?filter=wed:1
    • EX: ?filter=thu:1
    • EX: ?filter=fri:1
    • EX: ?filter=sat:1
  • Meeting Time: ?filter=<time>:1
    • EX: ?filter=morning:1
    • EX: ?filter=lunchTime:1 (Note that T must be capitalized.)
    • EX: ?filter=afternoon:1
    • EX: ?filter=evening:1
Note: Single filters can be appended to the URL. For example, to see Events for a specific campus: group_finder.aspx?filter=campus:1. Multiple filters are appended to the URL and separated with a vertical bar (|). For example, to see Groups in a certain zip code that meet in the morning or afternoon: group_finder.aspx?filter=zip:60652|morning:1|afternoon:1.