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Event URL Filters

You can pre-filter the Event Calendar URL so specific search criteria are auto-filled when someone clicks the link.

This is a useful option if you want to configure the Event Calendar to default to a specific Ministry, default to List View, or default to Featured Events. Append the event calendar.aspx URL with ?filter= and add the specific filter needed.

The available filters are:
  • Congregation: campus:<campusID>
  • Ministry: ministry:<ministry ID#>
  • Available Registration: registrationevents:<1 or 0>
    • 1 shows events with open registration
    • 0 shows all events
  • List View: listview:<1 or 0>
    • 1 shows list view
    • 0 shows calendar view
  • Featured Events: featuredevents:<1 or 0>
    • 1 shows featured events only
    • 0 shows all events
  • Month: month:<#>
    • A value between 1 and 12 shows a specific month
    • 0 shows all months
  • Year: year:<####>
Note: Single filters can be appended to the URL. For example, to see Events for a specific campus: event_calendar.aspx?filter=campus:1. Multiple filters are appended to the URL and separated with a vertical bar |. For example, to see Events in a list view for all months in 2024 for a specific ministry and campus: event_calendar.aspx?filter=campus:1|ministry:17|listview:1|month:0|year:2024.