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Global Search

Global Search returns matches across multiple Pages. This can help you find specific information even when you don't know where it is. It is also an insightful way to see various records related to a single individual.

Perform a Search

You can find Global Search in the masthead on every Page. When you perform a search, you return to the Home Page to view result.

Results display according to the Page's "All Records" View. You can use comma and wildcard searches, but they may distort results because columns vary per Page.

Up to ten records display per Page, and the title row states the full result count. Click on the title row for a Page (for example, "2 Results found in Groups") to go to that Page pre-filtered by the search term and view all results.

Initial Configuration

Global Serach includes results for Pages that have In Global Search set to Yes.

By default, this field is enabled for Contacts, Events, and Groups. A SPoC may enable any additional Pages or Filtered Pages. If no Pages have this field enabled, the Global Search bar no longer displays.

CAUTION: If you enable this feature for too many Pages, you may see a negative impact on search performance.