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Create Record Facts

Record Facts have two components: a Facts View and View Rules.

Facts View

Record Facts come from a Page or Sub-Page's Facts View. This view is identified in the Facts View field on System Setup > Pages.

Note: Sub-Pages do not inherit from their Target Page, but each Sub-Page can have its own Facts View.
  • A Page's Facts View determines which Records Facts display on that Page and in an open record. While the records that display when a User selects a different view will change, the Records Facts determined by the Facts View always display.
  • Facts display left to right in the order columns are listed in the Facts View.
  • Facts are dynamic and display or hide based on whether each Record has a value in the specified field. If you specify a condition, the fact displays when it has a value and meets the condition.
    Tip: If you use a field in a Facts View, that field must be visible for a User to access that page. If you use Field Management to hide a field used in a Facts View, all Users receive an error message. If you use Field Level Restrictions to hide a field used in a Facts View, Users without access to that field receive an error message.

View Rules

Use View Rules to style Record Facts. View Rules determine background color, font color, icon presence, and more.

  • Users must have at least edit rights to System Setup > Page View Rules and System Setup > Subpage View Rules to format View Rules.
  • An Advanced user can format (background color, font color, and so on) Record Facts without any JavaScript knowledge.
  • A Power User with edit rights to Page View Rules and JavaScript knowledge (or a willingness to learn JavaScript) can create conditional View Rules.
  • Each View Rule can influence only a single outcome (for example, Engagement Level is "Partially Engaged"). But you can define multiple View Rules for a single field to address different outcomes.