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Set Up Budget or Capital Campaigns

Budget Campaigns are typically one year in duration, whereas Capital Campaigns may span multiple years. These are set up similarly.

  1. From the Pledge Campaign page, click New.
  2. Complete the fields, using Capital Campaign for the Campaign Type:
    1. The Campaign start and end dates do not affect data entry. Select dates that reflect the intended time period of the campaign.
    2. The Campaign goal requires a value. Enter the amount the church hopes to raise during the campaign.
    3. Select the appropriate program record.
    4. There is an event field on the pledge campaign record. It is not necessary to add a value to this field for capital campaigns. This association is used mainly for mission trip campaigns.
  3. Add pledges with the status of active if they are complete. Use status of "pending" if you must communicate with the donor to clarifying something.
  4. From the programs page, create new programs and make sure the pledge campaign field is populated with the pledge campaign you created.
  5. If you want a pledge balance to display on a donor's contribution statement, edit the appropriate accounting company record on the page by that name. Set the new Pledge Campaign in that record and save. Only one Pledge Campaign an appear on a Contribution statement at one time.
  6. Use the Batch Manager Tool (BMT) for manual entry of checks and cash offerings. By default, pledges for both the donor and the donor's spouse appear in the BMT on the Donation's Distribution.