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NSF Donations

There are two approaches to NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) Donations. Either method results in both entries (original Donation and correcting entry) appearing on the Donor's statement. When you create the correction, you can put something (like ADJ or CORR) in the Item Number field, as this prints on the Donor statement and might help the Donor understand/remember.

Note: MinistryPlatform does not currently have a "re-deposit" feature. For handling a returned check, follow the instructions here. Then, to "re-deposit" it, process the check as you normally would in the BMT.

Copy/Reverse the Original Entry

  1. In the navigation menu, click Contributions or Stewardship > Donations.
  2. Clear any selections.
  3. Find and select the donation(s) on the Donations page.
    Note: You may copy as many NSF Donations at one time as needed, but you would generally batch them individually, as they appear as separate journal entries on your bank statement.
  4. View the Current/Unsaved Selection.
  5. Go to Tools > Copy/Reverse Donation.
  6. Set the date.
    Note: The date field automatically populates for today. Click the calendar icon to select a different date.
  7. Select whether to reverse the donation amounts.
  8. Enter the Batch Name.
  9. Select whether to create a batch.
  10. Select whether to finalize and deposit the batch.
  11. Click Copy Donations.
  12. Close the tool.

Create and Process a New Batch with a Negative Entry

  1. Create a Batch in the BMT.
  2. Add a negative Donation record.
  3. Add negative Distribution records in the same amounts as the original donations.
  4. Process the batch normally.