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Print Reports for Manual Journal Entries

If you don't want to create a file or otherwise transmit your Journal Entries to the accounting system electronically, you may follow these steps to print a report to assist the accounting team in manually creating a Journal Entry in the accounting system.

  1. Go to Stewardship > Deposits, and select all the Deposits in the Ready to Export view.
  2. Confirm your selection by changing the Selection drop-down list to Current/Unsaved Selection.
  3. Run any reports needed for archival purposes.
  4. From the Reports menu, select Selected Deposit - Export Preview.
  5. Save this report to PDF, and print it.
  6. Close the report.
  7. Set the printed report aside, and use it to create the Journal Entry in your accounting system.
  8. Use the Assign function to set the Exported value to True on your selected Donations.
  9. Clear your selection.