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Move Batches to Different Deposits

  1. Go to Stewardship > Batches.
  2. Open the Batch record to be moved to a different Deposit.
    1. Click Edit Record.
    2. In the Deposit field, either clear out the Deposit value (if the Deposit does not yet exist) or select the existing Deposit to add the Batch to (using the ellipsis [...] to make sure you select the right name/date).
    3. Update the Finalized Date field, if needed, or remove it if Deposit does not yet exist.
    4. Click Save.
  3. Go to Stewardship > Deposits.
  4. Open the original Deposit record.
    1. Update any counts or totals, if needed.
    2. Click Save.
  5. Go to Stewardship > Deposits.
  6. Open the "new" Deposit record.
    1. Update any counts or totals, if needed.
    2. Click Save.
  7. If needed, update any accounting systems.