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Small Group Participants Not Serving on a Ministry Team

This view shows small group participants who are not serving on a ministry team.

CAUTION: Use this View Example at your own risk. It's offered as is and many need to be altered to fit your specific church culture. For assistance, contact your SPoC, or, if you are a SPoC, contact Support for a Professional Services estimate (billed at an hourly rate).

Difficulty: Advanced

Purpose: Creates list of small group participants who are not involved with a ministry team.

Page: Participants

Field List

Contact_ID_Table.[Last_Name] AS [Last Name], Contact_ID_Table.[First_Name] AS [First Name], Contact_ID_Table.[Email_Address] AS [Email Address], Contact_ID_Table.[Mobile_Phone] AS [Mobile Phone], Contact_ID_Table_Participant_Record_Table_Participant_Type_ID_Table.[Participant_Type] AS [Participant Type]

View Clause

The values highlighted below must be replaced with the IDs you are filtering for:

Contact_ID_Table_Household_Position_ID_Table.[Household_Position]='Head of Household'   AND Contact_ID_Table_Household_ID_Table_Congregation_ID_Table.[Congregation_ID] = 1   AND Exists(SELECT Group_Participant_ID FROM Group_Participants GP        JOIN GROUPS G ON G.Group_ID=GP.Group_ID WHERE GP.Participant_ID=Participants.Participant_ID          AND G.Group_Type_ID = 1 AND ISNULL(GP.End_Date,GETDATE() +1)>GETDATE())          AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT Group_Role_Type_ID FROM Group_Roles GR               JOIN Group_Participants GP ON GP.Group_Role_ID=GR.Group_Role_ID               JOIN Groups G ON G.Group_ID=GP.Group_ID WHERE Participants.Participant_ID=GP.Participant_ID                  AND GR.Group_Role_Type_ID IN (1,3)                  AND G.Ministry_ID IN (22,29)                  AND ISNULL(GP.End_Date,GETDATE() +1)>GETDATE())


  • EXISTS SQL Function
  • GETDATE SQL Function