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Heads of Households with Minor Children

This view shows active Heads of Households with minor children.

CAUTION: This View Example is offered as is and may need to be altered to fit your specific church culture. For assistance, contact your SPoC, or, if you are a SPoC, contact Support for a Professional Services estimate (billed at an hourly rate).

Difficulty: Intermediate

Purpose: Create list of head of households with minor children in the household.

Page: Contacts

Field List

Household_ID_Table.[Household_Name] AS [Household Name], Contacts.[Display_Name] AS [Display Name], Contacts.[First_Name] AS [First Name], Contact_Status_ID_Table.[Contact_Status] AS [Contact Status] , Household_ID_Table_Congregation_ID_Table.[Congregation_Name] AS [Congregation Name] , Household_Position_ID_Table.[Household_Position] AS [Household Position] , Participant_Record_Table_Participant_Type_ID_Table.[Participant_Type] AS [Participant Type]

View Clause

Contact_Status_ID_Table.[Contact_Status] = 'Active' AND Contacts.Household_Position_ID = 1AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM contacts c2 WHERE c2.household_id = Contacts.Household_ID       AND c2.Household_Position_ID = 2 AND c2.__Age < 18)
