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Email Addresses Updated Last 30 Days

This View shows Contacts where an email address has been updated in the last 30 days.

CAUTION: This view example is offered as is and may need to be altered to fit your specific church culture. For assistance, contact your SPoC or, if you are a SPoC, contact Support for a Professional Services estimate (billed at an hourly rate).

Difficulty: Advanced

Purpose: Creates list of Contacts with an email address that was edited in the past 30 days.

Page: Contacts

Field List

Contacts.[Display_Name] AS [Display Name], 
Contact_Status_ID_Table.[Contact_Status] AS [Contact Status], Participant_Record_Table_Participant_Type_ID_Table.[Participant_Type] AS [Participant Type], 
Contacts.[__Age] AS [Age], 
Contacts.[Email_Address] AS [Current Email Address], 
(SELECT TOP 1 Previous_Value from dp_Audit_Detail AD      
	JOIN dp_Audit_Log AL ON AD.Audit_Item_ID = AL.Audit_Item_ID        
	WHERE AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts' AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID AND AL.Date_Time >= GETDATE() - 30        
	AND AD.Field_Name = 'Email_Address') AS [Previous Email], 
(SELECT TOP 1 New_Value from dp_Audit_Detail AD      
	JOIN dp_Audit_Log AL ON AD.Audit_Item_ID = AL.Audit_Item_ID       
	 WHERE AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts' AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID AND AL.Date_Time >= GETDATE() - 30        
	AND AD.Field_Name = 'Email_Address') AS [New Email], 
(SELECT TOP 1 User_Name FROM dp_Audit_Log AL      
	JOIN dp_Audit_Detail AD ON AL.Audit_Item_ID = AD.Audit_Item_ID         
	WHERE AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts' AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID AND AL.Date_Time >= GETDATE() - 30        
	AND AD.Field_Name = 'Email_Address' ) AS [Changed By], 
(SELECT TOP 1 Date_Time FROM dp_Audit_Log AL      
	JOIN dp_Audit_Detail AD ON AL.Audit_Item_ID = AD.Audit_Item_ID        
	WHERE AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts' AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID AND AL.Date_Time >= GETDATE() - 30        
	AND AD.Field_Name = 'Email_Address' ) AS [Date Changed], Contacts.[Bulk_Email_Opt_Out] AS [Bulk Email Opt Out], Contacts.[Email_Unlisted] AS [Email Unlisted]Copied

View Clause

EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dp_Audit_Log AL   JOIN dp_Audit_Detail AD ON AL.Audit_Item_ID = AD.Audit_Item_ID     WHERE AL.Table_Name = 'Contacts' AND AL.Record_ID = Contacts.Contact_ID AND AL.Date_Time >= GETDATE() - 30     AND AD.Field_Name = 'Email_Address' )

Order By

[Date Changed] DESC
