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Data Models and Tables


In One-To-Many Relationships, the data is modeled using a Foreign Key in the "One" which matches the Primary Key in the "Many".

Example: Contacts > Contact Statuses

A Contact references one Status. Statuses can be referenced by many Contacts.

Diagram showing the relationship between the tables for contacts and contact_statuses

Example: Contacts > Households > Congregations

A Contact references one Household. Households can be referenced by many Contacts.

A Household references one Congregation. Congregations can be referenced by many Households.

Diagram showing the relationship between the tables for contacts, households, and congregations


For modeling Many-To-Many relationships, a third (Associative) table is used to associate two indirectly related tables. The Associative table contains a Foreign Key for the Primary Keys in the two "Many" tables.

Example: Groups > Group Participants > Participants

A Group can have many Participants. A Participant can be in many Groups.

Diagram showing the relationship between the tables for groups, group_participants, and participants

Audit Log Tables

The following tables store the Audit Log. The tables cannot be accessed directly in the Platform, but you can use them in your Views.

See the Contact Changes View Example.

Diagram showing tables for dp_users, dp_audit_log, and dp_audit_detail

To establish a relationship between dp_Audit_Log and the page on which your View exists, define the Table_Name. For example, Table_Name = 'Events'.

Contact Tables

The follow tables are closely related to Contacts. This is only a partial representation.

Diagram showing tables for prefixes, marital_statuses, contact_statuses, donors, dp_users, contacts, suffixes, genders, households, participants, addresses, congregations, and household_positions

Files Table

This table stores information about all attached Files. The table cannot be accessed directly in the Platform, but you can use it in your Views.

See the Contacts With Files View Example.

Diagram showing the dp_files table

Series Tables

The following tables store Series. The tables cannot be accessed directly in the Platform, but you can use them in your Views.

Diagram showing tables for dp_sequences and dp_sequence_records

Series records use a soft join because they can refer to multiple tables. The Table_Name column will match the name of the table and Record_ID will match the primary key for the sequence. For example, the following SQL would return the sequence for the Event 1783:

SELECT SR.Sequence_ID 
FROM dp_Sequence_Records SR 
WHERE SR.Table_Name = 'Events' AND SR.Record_ID = 1783

See the Events In Series View Example for an example of this in action.

Task & Submission Tables

This group of tables stores information about all Tasks and the status of active Process Submissions, including the current step.

See the Contacts With Tasks View Example.

Diagram showing tables for dp_users, dp_tasks, dp_process_submissions, dp_processes, dp_process_submission_statuses, and dp_process_steps