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Set Up Steps

The first step in the Process is to email the person who responded. Then, you'll want the Process to assign a Task to the Opportunity's Primary Contact. Here's how to set up those steps.

  1. Open the Process record you created.
  2. Add the first Step:
    1. On the Steps tab, click New Step.
    2. Complete the Step fields:
      • Step Name: Email Acknowledging Response.
      • Instructions: An email sends within five minutes of someone creating this Task if the person has a valid email address in their Contact record.
      • Order: 1
      • Task Owner/Email From: Specific User. A Specific User field displays.
      • Specific User: Set the specific user account as the sender of this message.
        Tip: Choose a generic account like "Administrator, Church".
      • Step Type: 4. Send an Email.
      • Send Email To: Lookup Contact.
      • Email Template: Select the email template you want to use.
      • Email To Contact : Participant_ID_Table.Contact_ID.
    3. Click Save.
  3. Add the second Step:
    1. On the Steps tab, click New Step.
    2. Complete the Step fields:
      • Step Name: Follow-up on Response.
      • Instructions: A person responded to an Opportunity and you are the designated Contact. Review the response and follow up.
      • Order: 2
      • Task Owner/Email From: Lookup User.
      • Lookup User Field : Participant_ID_Table_Contact_ID_Table.[User_Account].
      • Step Type: 2. Assign a Task.
    3. Click Save.

You can test your Process to ensure you set everything up correctly.