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Other Process Ideas

Notify a specific person when someone completes a certain Custom Form

Table Name: All Form Responses

Trigger fields: Form_ID

Dependent Condition: Form_ID = [ID number of the form]

Trigger On Create: Yes

Notify a Group Leader that someone Contacted that group

Table Name: Group Inquiries

Step Data:

Send Email To: Lookup Contact

Email to Contact: Group_ID_Table.Primary_Contact

Notify an Opportunity's Primary Contact only when the Opportunity Finder logs a response (not when someone enters a Response in the Platform)

Table Name: Responses

Trigger Fields: Opportunity_ID

Dependent Condition: EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Opportunities O WHERE O.Opportunity_ID = Responses.Opportunity_ID AND O.Visibility_Level_ID=4) AND Responses.Last_Name IS NOT NULL

Step Data:

Send Email To: Lookup Contact

Email to Contact: Opportunity_ID_Table_Contact_Person_Table.[Contact_ID]

Notify a specific person when registrants choose specific Product Option Prices

Table Name: All Invoice Detail

Dependent Condition: Product_Option_Price_ID IN ('indicate ID here','indicate another ID here')

Step Data:

Send Email To: Specific Contact

Email to Contact: indicate the person

Notify a person on the data quality team when someone updates the Display Name or Nickname of a Contact record

Table Name: Contacts

Trigger Fields: display_name,first_name

Step Data:

Assign a Task: Specific Contact (Data Quality Person)

Require a secondary approval for an event to collect payment for an outside renter

Add a middle step to the built-in Event Approval Process that assigns a task to the user who needs to collect the money.

Send a Confirmation Email to Default Contacts

You use a Process to send a confirmation email to volunteers who responded to a specific Opportunity, but several are new Contacts and are "default" Contacts. This means they don't receive the confirmation email.
  1. In the Dependent Condition field of the Process record, exclude the Default Contact (whose Participant ID = 1).
    Trigger Fields: Participant_ID Dependent Condition: Participant_ID <> 1 AND Opportunity_ID IN (57,58,59)
  2. Create a view on the Responses page to show records where Participant ID = 1, and periodically reassign the response from the Default Contact to a contact with a valid email address.
    1. You may use the Add/Edit Family Tool to create the person's record.
    2. For more sporadic Opportunities, you can set up another Process to notify a staff member when someone creates and assigns a new response record to the Default Contact.
  3. The process fires when someone changes the Participant ID to something other than one. The person making the change should complete the SUBMIT Task on the Home screen.
    Tip: When you don't know what value to use as the Lookup Value, use the Advanced Search tool from the page your Process points to and get the correct value. Insert the value into the view, then switch to the SQL view to see the SQL code for that value. Copy and paste it into your Process.