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All of your data is safely housed in the Platform. But how exactly do you find what you're looking for? There are several ways to search, so you can use the one that works best for you!

Tip: Not sure whether you're looking for an Anderson or an Andersen? Use the "*" to search for "Anders*n" to find them all. You can use an asterisk as a wildcard when you search anytime, anywhere.

Global Search

  • What: A search on several pages in MinistryPlatform at the same time.

  • When:
    • You're looking for specific information, but aren't sure where it is.
    • You want to see various records related to a single individual.

Tip: A Page will be included in Global Search results if the field In Global Search is set to Yes.
  1. Click the magnifying glass in the upper right corner (next to your picture).
  2. Type in what you're looking for.
  3. Press Enter.

Simple Search

  • What:
    • An expanded search on all fields of a single Page, returning all matches from that page.
    • Returns matches from all fields on the page, so search for "Smith" and you'll get any last names, first names, street addresses, and so on, that include "Smith."
    • Matches values anywhere in the content (beginning, middle, or end).
  • When:
    • You know the page where the information is and you want to find it fast.
    • You just can't go back to that Grid Layout.

Tip: Use commas to narrow your simple search to a column. Each comma represents a field, so if you want to search the seventh column, type six commas in the search box and then the city you're looking for.

Narrowing your search with commas works best in Grid Layout where you can see (and count) the columns.

  1. Type what you're looking for in the search box.
  2. Press Enter.

Column Search

  • What:
    • A search of a limited number of columns on a single page.
    • You'll only see matches from searched columns that start with the search term.
    • For Yes and No Columns, toggle between Yes, No, and Unset. If you select Unset, you apply no filter to that column. It is not a Null search.
  • When:
    • You know the page where the information is.
    • You know which column it's in.
    • You're using Grid Layout.

  1. Confirm you're using the Grid Layout.
  2. Click the magnifying glass next to the column you want to search inside.
    Note: When you activate column search, you cannot use the simple search box.
  3. Type what you're looking for.
  4. Press Enter.