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Resolve Batch Discrepancies

Resolve batch discrepancies to ensure all the information being uploaded to your ChMS is accurate and updated.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a CSV Admin or Worker to do this.
  • You must be in the process of creating a batch.
Batch discrepancies are when Growth Method needs manual verification of what to do with file information, typically due to a conflict with the ChMS where it's uncertain if the people match in Growth Method.
Note: Not all file uploads have discrepancies.
  1. Click CSV > CSV Batches.
  2. Click on the batch whose discrepancies you want to resolve. It is in the Discrepancies status.
  3. Click View Discrepancies. The discrepancy screen displays the following:
    • The reason for the discrepancy.
    • The new submission data.
    • The action to take to resolve the discrepancy.
  4. To update your ChMS with the new data from the CSV file, click Select and then select the person from your ChMS. To create a new person in your ChMS, click New Person. Repeat this process for all the batch's discrepancies.
  5. After you've resolved all of the discrepancies, reload the page.
The batch should now be in the Completed status and all the entries from your CSV file are uploaded to your ChMS.