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Resolve Batch Discrepancies

Resolve any batch discrepancies before moving to the next step to ensure there are no errors or repeats in the batch.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Scanned Cards Admin or Worker to do this.
  • A card template and batch must be created and uploaded before resolving batch discrepancies.
Batch discrepancies occur when you need to manually verify information in a batch in Growth Method. Resolve any batch discrepancies to ensure that all information loaded from Growth Method into your ChMS is updated and accurate. Batches with discrepancies are marked Discrepancy under the status section.
  1. Click the appropriate batch to open it.
  2. Click View Discrepancies. The batch discrepancies screen shows the following:
    • The reason for the discrepancy.

    • The data that was on the card.

    • The possible options from your ChMS.

  3. Verify the information on the card.
    1. If one of the options in the ChMS is correct, select the correct option to finish verifying the card.
    2. If none of the options match, that means the person isn't currently in your ChMS. Select New Person to add them to your ChMS.
  4. Click Confirm to move on to the next card.
  5. Repeat these steps until you have verified every card in the batch.