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Reviewing Applicants

Approve, reject, or withdraw applications from consideration.

  • You must be a Go Method admin or a trip leader to do this.
  1. Go to Events > My Events..
  2. Select an event with pending applications. The number of pending applicants displays on the event image.
    Screenshot to display icon of number of applicants.
  3. In the left menu, click Applicants.
  4. Once you review the application, click Actions.
    Applicant Profile
  5. In the drop-down menu, choose to Accept,Deny, or Withdraw the application.
  6. A pop-up menu displays. You can send a message to the applicant or add notes only visible to other trip leaders.
  7. Click Send to approve the application, or Yes, Deny/Withdraw (applicant's name) to deny or withdraw the application.
If you accept an applicant, the applicant receives an email detailing their status. If you decide to withdraw an applicant, the applicant does not receive an email and is removed from the event.