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Apply for a Mission Trip

Follow the directions below to apply for a mission trip.
  1. Click on the trip you want to apply to.
  2. Click Apply Today to access the trip's application.
    1. If you need an account, click Create an Account. Enter your full name, email address, date of birth, gender, and create a password. Click Sign Me Up and continue with your application.
  3. To register yourself for the trip, select Yes and your information appears. To register someone else, select No, enter the other applicant's information, and click Add 'em!.
  4. Click Yep, that's everybody!.
  5. Confirm your registration type and complete any application questions, requirements, and more. To complete these tasks, click the Resolve next to each application requirement and follow the steps to complete each task. When finished, click Continue.
  6. If applicable, make any payments or deposits and click Continue to Final Step.
  7. If applicable, enter your billing and payment information and click Submit Application.
Once you've submitted your application, you'll see a confirmation screen. You'll receive an email once your application is approved.