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View Group-Registered Participants

If your trip allows groups, you can view your participants by their groups.

  • You must be a Go Method admin or a trip leader to do this.
  • Your hosting organization must approve group registration.
Participants that were registered as part of a group are organized under the name of the person who registered them.
  1. Go to Events > My Events.
  2. Click on the event whose participants you want to view.
  3. On the left menu, click Team Members > View Team Members.
  4. View your list of participants. Participants that were registered as a group are grouped by the name of the person that registered them. To view the entire group, click View Group.
    What a group looks like in Go Method. The View Group button is at the top right of the group list.
    The View Group page.
In the group's participant page, you'll see the name of the group members, where they are at in the application and requirement process, how much money they have raised, and how much money they still need to raise.