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Complete Participant Requirements

Complete and mark participant requirements as complete for another participant.

  • You must be a Go Method admin or a trip leader to do this.
Trip Leaders can complete and check off participant requirements. Requirements can include checking off meeting attendance, uploading required documents, and more.
  1. In the top menu, click Events > My Events.
  2. Select the event the participant is attending.
  3. On the left menu, click Team Members > View Team Members.
  4. Select a participant. This directs you to the participant profile page.
  5. Click the Requirements tab.
  6. Click the requirement you want to complete for the participant and click Mark Complete .
    The participant requirements screen. The Mark Complete button is below one of the requirements, and none of the requirements have a check mark.
    Note: Only admins can complete requirements for signed document types. If you are a leader with task requirements, another leader or admin must complete these requirements for you.

A check mark displays next to the completed requirements.

The requirements screen, with a check mark next to the requirement that has been marked complete.