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Link Designation Codes

Link designation codes in Go Method. Designation codes link mission trips in Go Method and Vision 2.

  • You must be a ChMS system admin to do this.
  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
After creating a mission trip and designation code in Vision 2, create the same mission trip in Go Method and apply the designation code.
Note: If you decide to create the designation code in Go Method first, the designation code creates the event in Vision 2.
  1. Log in to Go Method.
  2. Click Create A New Event.
  3. Complete the fields to create the mission trip.
  4. Under Payment Options and Payment Structure, select Donation: Allow for fund raising and donations.
    At the bottom, Vision 2 Options displays.
  5. Under Vision 2 Options, copy and paste the designation code from Vision 2.
  6. Click Next.

Go Method can now sync event data with Vision 2.