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Add Data Subscriptions

Vision 2 uses data subscriptions to update an individual's profile in Go Method. Data subscriptions are also used to update donation and payment information.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
Tip: Adding data subscriptions is a lengthy process that requires you to reference multiple tables. You may want to use your browser's File>Print function to print these instructions. Or, click the printer icon in the upper right of this page.
  1. Log in to Vision 2.
  2. In the top menu, click Administration.
  3. In the left navigation, under Integration, click Data Subscriptions.
  4. To create payment data subscriptions, click Add a new Data Subscription.
  5. Complete the fields as shown.
    Vision 2 FieldEnter this value...
    External SystemGo Method
    Subscription TypePayment
    HostEnter the web address your organization was provided. Example: https://<tenantcode>.gomethod.app
    Integration Target TypeVision 2
    Max Retries10
    Retry Interval5
    Authentication TypeBasic
    UsernameEnter the new administrative username you created in Create a New Administrator User.
    Password/Confirm PasswordEnter the new administrative password you created in Create a New Administrator User.
    CommentsGo Method Payment Data Subscription
  6. Click Push Change Action > Add Record. For each field, enter the values shown.
    FieldEnter this value...
  7. Click Push Change Action > Update Record. For each field, enter the values shown.
    FieldEnter this value...
  8. Click Save & I'm Done.
  9. To create individual profile subscriptions, click Add a new Data Subscription.
  10. Complete the fields as shown.
    Vision 2 FieldEnter this value...
    External SystemGo Method
    Subscription TypeIndividual Profile
    HostEnter the web address your organization was provided. Example: https://<tenantcode>.gomethod.app
    Integration Target TypeVision 2
    Max Retries10
    Retry Interval5
    Authentication TypeBasic
    User NameEnter the new administrative username you created Create a New Administrator User.
    Password/Confirm PasswordEnter the new administrative password you created in Create a New Administrator User.
    CommentsGo Method Individual Profile Data Subscription
  11. Click Push Change Action > Update Record. For each field, enter the values shown.
    FieldEnter this value...
  12. Click Save & I'm Done.

Go Method now receives profile and donation or payment updates from Vision 2.

Next, we'll set connect event management information to reduce dual entry tasks.