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Create a New Administrator User

Before you begin integration, your Vision 2 administrator must create a new, unique administrator login in Vision 2. This login gives Go Method permission to request changes. This must be a new user login. Synchronization activity is also accredited to this login in your change log or audit record.

  • You must be a ChMS system admin to do this.
  1. In Vision 2, in the top menu, click Administration.
  2. In the left navigation, under Users, click the Add icon (+).
  3. In First Name, enter Go Method. In the Last Name, enter API User.
  4. Enter a valid email address.
  5. When you enter a complex password, record the password. You will need this in later steps.
  6. Under Roles, select Organization Administrator, then click Add a Role and select Finance.
  7. Click Save & I'm Done.
CAUTION: Before moving to the next step, log out of Vision 2 and log back in using this new account. This verifies the account is set up correctly and that you are using the correct username and password.
Now, we'll associate this new user in Go Method.