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Create a Webhook

You must have the Developers permission to do this.
Webhooks provide the ability to notify a third party application of changes that are made within Go Method. Within Go Method, multiple webhooks can be created to track how data is moved. Webhook invocations will be tracked per Webhook that pushes data.
  1. Click Developers.
  2. Click the Webhooks tab.
  3. Click New Webhook.
  4. Enter the webhook's information.
    1. Webhook Event: This is the type of event that triggers the webhook.
      • Individual Profile: When data about an individual profile is either created or updated.

      • Participant: When data about the participant is either created or updated.
    2. Webhook Name: Choose a name that will reflect the reason for creating the webhook.
    3. Endpoint URL: This is the URL that you would like the webhook to publish to. This will usually be a URL hosted by you organization.
    4. Max Retries: The number of times the webhook will attempt to push data to the endpoint URL. It will be retried in the event of a failure.
    5. Webhook Triggers: Specify what will trigger the webhook. It's possible to only trigger on a create or an update, or both can be selected.
You've successfully created a webhook.