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View and Manage Webhooks

Once a webhook is created, you can view the webhook invocations that have happened.

You must have the Developers permission to do this.
Webhooks provide the ability to notify a third party application of changes that are made within Go Method. Within Go Method, multiple webhooks can be created to track how data is moved. Webhook invocations will be tracked per Webhook that pushes data.
  1. Click Developers.
  2. Click the Webhooks tab.
  3. Click the webhook you want to view. When viewing the webhook, there are a couple points of interest:
    1. Signature Secret: Each webhook that is sent has a header called "FullMethod-Signature". This is an optional way to validate that the request that is sent to the endpoint URL is valid and sent from Go Method.
    2. Run Test: Click this button to send a webhook with a payload to the endpoint URL. The data within the payload will not be valid - it is only to test that the endpoint URL is receiving data the way it's intended.
    3. Invocations: This shows a list of the invocations that have happened within the last seven days. It displays the body of the request that the webhook sent to the endpoint URL along with the response that was received back from the endpoint URL.