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New Year Fund Setup for Vanco EFT

If you use multiple fund payments (2 or more accounts per family) and you use Vanco – Auto Connect to push payments to Vanco, we strongly recommend that you process all Vanco eGiving payments for 2024 before running the New Year Fund Setup process.

Tip: You can process all eGiving payments with dates from now until the end of the year. Vanco Payment Solutions processes each payment according to its due date.

If you aren't using multiple fund payments or you pull online payments from Vanco, you don't need to do this.

I already started the new fund year

If you ran the New Year Fund Setup before processing final eGiving payments for 2024, you can manually change the fund periods before posting those payments in PDS.

During the payment quick posting, make sure you select the current fund year.

in the payment quick posting grid, select the correct year in the Fund Year drop-down list

If payments have already been posted to the wrong year, you can move the entries to the correct period.

  1. Back up your data.
  2. On the Information tab, click Contributions > Processes > Move Fund Entries.
  3. At the top of the window, select the fund, date, activity, and/or batch number of the payments that were posted to the wrong year.
  4. At the bottom, select to move the entries to a different fund, and select the correct fund year. If needed, you can change any other information you'd like, or select Keep Same to leave the selection as is.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Review your list. When you're ready to process the selected records, click Next.
  7. To move the entries, click Finish.

example of the Move Fund Entries process

If you have trouble, please contact PDS Support at 1-877-737-4457.

I can't run eGiving before setting up for the new year

If you aren't able to run your Vanco eGiving payments before running the New Year Fund Setup process, please contact PDS Support at 1-877-737-4457. A representative can assist you with setting up your new fund year.

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