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Edit MissionInsite Permissions and Roles

Agency/User Managers can disable or enable access for specific districts and studies. They can also promote users to agency managers, study managers, or agency/user managers or grant access to additional studies.

  1. In the Control Center, click Navigate Home.
  2. Under Administration and Tools, click Manage Users
  3. Locate the user whose permissions you want to edit. You can look up individuals by e-mail, permissions or studies.
  4. Under Permissions, in the drop-down list, select a role.
    • Agency/User Managers have access to the base study and all child studies within the agency by default and can approve new users.
    • Agency Managers have access to the base study and all child studies within the agency by default and can edit permissions and roles. They can also edit location information for any location within the agency.
    • Study Managers are administrators over a specific study, such as a church or nonprofit administrator. They have all standard user permissions and can upload people or edit location information for their studies.
    • Standard Users are registered MissionInsite users and have access to People Plot, Demographics Reports, Thematic Maps, and Opportunity Scans.
  5. Click Apply.
  6. Under Studies, in the drop-down list, select the studies the user can access. To select multiple studies, press Ctrl and click on each study. You can also choose Select All to give access to all studies.
  7. Click Apply.