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Portal Admin

The Portal Admin page provides tools for managing skins, files and settings associated with your Portal.


Access to the Portal Admin page is controlled by a Security Role and the Configuration Setting. To provide access, go to Administration > Configuration Settings, and find the Security Role ID # in the PORTAL, PortalAdminRoleID setting. Then, place users in this role to allow access.

The default role is Administrators. If you would like to grant access to the page to a User without granting admin privileges in the Platform, you can change the role for the Portal Admin page.

If you have the appropriate access, you can go to the Portal Admin page at http://<churchdomain>/portal/portaladmin.aspx.

Portal Skins

The Portal Skins section provides tools for managing your skins. You can:
  • Download skins
  • Upload skins
  • Preview skins
  • Set the default skin
  • Delete skins

Portal Admin showing the Portal Skins section

Email Templates

In the Email Templates section, you can edit email templates the Portal sends.

Portal Admin showing an Event Message being edited


In the Resource Files section, you can edit Portal Resource Files.

Portal Admin showing a Resource being edited

Reload Configuration Settings

Click Reload Config Settings to reload all values from the customer config file. You can use this option when making any updates to Configuration Settings that are needed for immediate testing or application.

Test Support Email

Click Test Support Email to send an email to Support. The email address used is set in the Configuration Setting PORTAL, ErrorEmail. Leave the email address as portalerror@<churchdomain>. This is normally configured by our support staff to ensure they receive automated error notifications.

Change the Security Role for Portal Admin

To grant Users access to the Portal Admin page without giving them Administrator rights in the Platform, you can change the Security Role associated with the Portal Admin page.

The Administrator Security Role is associated with the Portal Admin page by default. This is defined in the Configuration Setting PORTAL, PortalAdminRoleID.

You can create a new "Portal Admin" security role and update the Configuration Setting.

  1. Save a selection of admins. It's best to capture a list of all the people that had permission to the role previously set in PORTAL, PortalAdminRoleID so you can put them in the new role.
    1. Find the Role specified in the Configuration Setting PORTAL, PortalAdminRoleID and find it in the platform.
    2. Select the Users tab.
    3. Select all records.
    4. Use the transfer selection button to transfer these records to Users.
  2. Create a new security role called "Portal Admin". Make note of the ID for the new role as you will need this later.
  3. Add the users from the selection to the new role.
  4. Update the Configuration Setting (PORTAL, PortalAdminRoleID) to the new security role.
  5. Reload the Portal Settings using one of the following methods:
    • If you are logged in as an administrator, click Reload Configuration to refresh the portal with the new role for the Portal Admin page.
    • Otherwise, visit the Portal Admin Page using the query portaladmin.aspx?reloadPortalSettings=true to reset the settings.