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Test Portal Skins

When you are ready to test your new skin, you can do so using the Portal Admin page or using query strings in the URL.

Test using Portal Admin:
  1. Navigate to portaladmin.aspx (Portal Admin page).
  2. Select the skin.
  3. Click Preview.
    This opens a Skin Testing page using query string: ?template=SkinName. (This method can be combined with the one following for extended testing).
Test using Query Strings:
  1. Visit a page, such as online_giving.aspx. (This does not work from the root url).
  2. Add ?template=[your skin name here].
  3. To make this stick, add &remembertemplate=true. (This will stay for the duration of your browser session, but not affect anyone else).
  4. Using ?template=default will switch back to the default template.