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Deploy Portal Skins

Once the template files are created and organized, it's time to move them to your production server.

  1. Create a zip file of your skin.
    1. Select all the files in the skin folder (not the folder itself).
    2. Right-click your selection, and select Compressed (zipped) folder (Windows) or Compress Items (Mac).
      The zip file should contain the htm file and any subfolders.
  2. From the Portal Admin page, upload the zip file to your Portal Skins.
    If your zip file has a different name than the htm file, the Portal uses your htm file for the name.
  3. If you are unable to upload or preview your skin, double-check the following:
    • Your skin should have an htm extension. Do not use html.
    • Your zip file should contain the htm file in the root, not in a subfolder.
    • All other files should be contained in a subfolder, not in the root.
    • Your htm file name should only have alpha numeric characters.
    • Your htm file should not be named the same as an existing skin.
    • You must only have one htm file.