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Tools Permitted

The following View shows the Tools which have been granted permissions per Security Role.

Difficulty: Advanced

Purpose: Uses the Role Tools system tables to display Tools with permissions.

Page: Security Roles

Field List

The following fields use a STUFF function to return lists of Tools for each Security Role:

dp_Roles.Role_Name,STUFF((SELECT ', ' + T.Tool_Name FROM dp_Role_Tools RT JOIN dp_Tools T ON RT.Tool_ID = T.Tool_ID WHERE RT.Role_ID = dp_Roles.Role_ID FOR XML PATH('')),1,2,'') AS [Tools]

View Clause

The following clause limits the list of Security Roles to those with Tool permissions. Security Roles without any permissions will drop out of the View:

EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM dp_Role_Tools RT JOIN dp_Tools T ON RT.Tool_ID = T.Tool_ID WHERE RT.Role_ID = dp_Roles.Role_ID)

Order By

It makes sense to order these by name:


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  • STUFF SQL Function
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