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Reverse Credit Card or eCheck Payments

Complete the following steps to reverse Authorize.net payments made via credit card or eCheck.

  1. Required: Use the Authorize.net gateway to refund the payment if necessary.
    Note: If you do not refund the payment through the Authorize.NET gateway, the payment is not refunded.
  2. Go to Products & Payments > Payments, and open the Payment record.
  3. Click Copy.
    1. Select the Payment Detail tab to copy the detail.
    2. Click OK.
  4. Click Edit Record on the newly-created record.
  5. Make the Payment Total a negative amount.
  6. Change Processed to No.
  7. Save the Payment record.
  8. Click the Payment Details tab. For each of the newly created Payment Detail records that are greater than $0, do the following:
    1. Click the record to open it (don't click the jump link).
    2. Click Edit Record.
    3. Make the Payment Amount negative.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Repeat as needed.
  9. For each of the newly created Payment Detail records that are less than $0 (for example, an early bird discount), do the following:
    1. Click the record to open it (don't click the jump link).
    2. Click Edit Record.
    3. Make the payment amount $0.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Repeat as needed.

This negative payment can now be processed normally as part of the correct merchant batch.

Remove Copied Details

Alternatively, you can remove the copied details.

  1. Click the jump link to go to the Payment Detail record.
  2. Click Delete. There shouldn't be any dependent records.
  3. Repeat as needed.

This negative payment can be processed normally as part of the correct merchant batch.