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Audit Views

Households Page

  • Fix Too Many Heads – Edit Household Position on one or more family members. Two heads is the most a household can have and they should be married to each other.

Contacts Page

  • Fix: Make Adult Child – Change to Adult Child.

Programs Page

  • Stewardship Info – Review tax-deductible programs to ensure they have the correct statement header and statement title.

Donors page

  • Stmt: Address Issue – These donors have current year donations but no address.
  • Stmt: Review Deceased – These donors are marked Deceased on their Contact record, but they have prior year (current year minus one) donations.
    Note: Current means the current Statement Year for year-end statements. So, if you look at this view on 12/31/2024, it will show deceased donors with 2023 donations. If you review it on 1/1/2025, it will show deceased donors with 2024 donations.
  • Stmt: Set to Individual – These donors should get individual statements because they are Other Adults or because they are Companies. Use the Assign Tool to set them to Individual. (A Guest Child in a Household should also have his/her record set to Individual.)
  • Stmt: Fix Method - These Donors are in same Household but with different Statement Methods. Want to automate resolving this issue? We have a Ready-Made Solution for that!
  • Fix Email Statements Without Contact Email - Add an email address (if known) to the Contact.

Donations Page Views

  • 0. Reassign Donor – Make sure no donations remain on the Temporary Donor that gets all XML imported donations by default.
  • 2. Ready for a Batch – These donations do not appear on a statement because they are not part of a Batch.

Donor Accounts Page Views

  • Used By Unassigned Donor – Check to see if any accounts currently assigned to a real donor were used by the Unassigned Donor temporarily. This happens with starter checks sometimes.

Statements Page Views

  • No Email Primary Contact - Add an email if one is known.
  • Spouse has Email - Email the statement to the Donor's spouse.
  • Statements to Mail - No Contact Email Address - Add an email, if known, or break out the printer and stamps.
  • Review: Not Archived Different Stmt Method
  • Review: Not Archived Different Stmt Frequency
  • Review: Duplicate Contacts
  • Review: Adult Child in Family Statement
  • Review: 18+ on Family Statement
  • Review: No File (not archived)
  • Review: Outdated File (not archived)