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Values and Defaults

Available Values

To add values from the Batch Manager Tool drop-down lists:

  • Edit a Program record and set On Batch Manager Tool to Yes.
  • Edit an Event record and set On Batch Manager Tool to Yes.
  • Add a Congregation record to the Platform if you add a campus, language group, or church plant.

To remove values from the Batch Manager Tool Lists:

  • Edit a Program record and set On Batch Manager Tool to No.
  • Edit an Event record and set On Batch Manager Tool to No.
  • End date a Congregation to remove it from Batch Manager Tool.
  • Change a Pledge to Completed to remove it from the drop-down menu.


Many of the Batch Manager Tool defaults are controlled by Configuration Settings like Batch Entry Type, Household Source, Statement Frequency, and so on. Also, you can define a Global Congregation in Configuration Settings. Programs and Events associated with this Congregation display in the Batch Manager Tool for all users, regardless of their Congregations Allowed.

  • COMMON, defaultParticipantType: The Participant Type that assigned to the new Donor (for example, Engaged Participant, Participant, or Guest). The default is Guest.
  • COMMON, DefaultStatementMethod: The method of statement delivery (postal mail, email or online, or no statement needed) assigned to the new Donor. The default is Postal Mail.
  • COMMON, DefaultStatementType: The type of statement (Family versus Individual) assigned to the new Donor. The default is Family.
  • COMMON, DefaultStatementFrequency: The frequency at which the new Donor receives their giving statement (quarterly, annually, or never). The default is quarterly.


Show or hide the Bank and Branch columns based on the BMT, HideBankAndBranch Configuration Setting. The Bank is an optional value that you can set on the Donor Account record. Some non-US-based churches are required to use this field to ensure deposits clear the respective banks.

For tips and tricks for column navigation and sorting, see BMT Tips & Tricks.

Restrict a User to a Congregation

Use Global Filters to restrict a user to a particular Congregation and/or Programs and Events associated with a particular Congregation.

  1. Go to Administration > User Record.
  2. Click the Global Filters tab.
  3. From the Action menu, select New User Global Filter.
  4. Select the Congregation(s) the User should have access to.