What would you like to know more about?

Profile Question Answer Types

Profile questions have five different types. These different types have different available answers, so it is important for you to choose the appropriate question for your applications.

The different profile question types are as follows:

Question TypeDescriptionExample
Short AnswerParticipants provide a brief answer to the question.What is your favorite Bible verse?
ParagraphParticipants provide a longer answer to the question.What inspired you to seek God?
DateParticipants answer the question with a date.When was your last mission trip?
Single-ChoiceParticipants select only one answer to a question.Do you have any allergies?
Multi-ChoiceParticipants can select several answers to the question.Do you have any health conditions we should know about? Select all that apply.

Select the appropriate question type to ensure your applicants are the best fit for the event, giving both you and them peace of mind.