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Go Method Admin Role Permissions

There are several different roles with varying permissions in Go Method. This is an overview of those permissions.

System Rights

These rights are permissions related to Go Method as a system. You can access them under Admin > Manage Admins > Roles. Roles with these permissions apply to all events - you do not need to be attending the trip to access all the rights the selected permissions grant.
Permission NamePermission Abilities
System Admin
  • Access the Admin tab and all its sub-tabs, including:
    • Components: This tab houses the documents, requirements, allocation types, and filters that you can apply to trips and events.
    • Manage Profile Questions: In this tab, you can create and manage profile questions for applicants and participants to complete.
    • Emergency Contacts: Select whether you want to ask applicants and participants for emergency contact information for their trips using this tab.
    • Manage Admins: Invite and manage other admins for your organization in this tab. This includes managing users, roles, and affinity groups.
    • Reports: Run transactional reports from this tab. Reports include online donations and total donations.
    • Email Settings: In this tab, you can manage emails and email domains for your organization in Go Method.
    • Settings: This tab houses your organization's settings in Go Method. This includes:
      • General: This tab houses the global settings, two-factor authentication, and custom domain settings.
      • Software Integration: This tab houses your ChMS, background check, digital signatures, insurance, travel agency, azure ad, payment merchants, and license key integration settings for your organization.
      • Themes: Upload your organization's logo and select a theme or customize your colors in this tab.
      • Billing: Add and manage payment details in this tab.
      • Outreach Partners: Manage settings and enter a disclaimer message for your outreach partners here.
      • Activities: Add or upload a default image for your activities here.
      • Public Home: Manage your home page's general, events, outreach partners, activities, groups, and public URLs settings in this tab.
    • Sub-Accounts: Create and manage sub-accounts in Go Method for your organization.
    • Legal: Enter and format the global non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and event disclaimer language for your organization in Go Method.
Can Manage Emails
  • Manage system emails
  • Manage email domains
  • Customize text of all system-generated emails
Can Manage Applications
  • Create and manage generic applications
  • Create and manage generic application questions
Can Manage References
  • Create and manage reference questions
  • Create and manage reference question categories
  • Add and manage reference individual types
  • Edit and establish reference requirement rule settings
Can Manage Outreach Partners
  • Access the Outreach Partners tab
  • Add and manage outreach partners
  • Add and manage outreach partner members
Can Manage Activities
  • Access the Activities tab
  • Create and manage activities for your organization
Can Manage Legal
  • Access the Admin > Legal tab
  • Update legal copy/language for the organization's global non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • Update legal copy/language for event disclaimers
Can Merge People
  • Access the Merge as Primary and Merge as Duplicate buttons on a user's profile page
  • Merge people's records
  • Access the Developer tab
  • Access the developer API keys

Event Rights

These rights are permissions related to trips, camps, or general events in Go Method. You can apply these role permissions to all Go Method events or to limit them to a specific event type using the corresponding trips, camps, or general events check boxes. Roles with these permissions apply to all events - you do not need to be attending the trip to access all the rights the selected permissions grant. Access these rights under Admin > Manage Admins > Roles.
Permission NamePermission Abilities
Can Manage Events
  • Access all events
  • Access all tabs within an event
  • Manage any information about an event
Can Manage Basic Event Information
  • Access a trip's Details tab
  • Can only manage event details, filters, and images
Can Add / Remove Team Members
  • Access a trip's Team Members tab
  • Add team members to an event
  • Remove team members from an event
  • Establish if the team member is responsible for their own fundraising
Can Change Event Status
  • Access a trip's Status tab
  • Move an event from the Setup status to the Launched status
  • Move an event from the Launched status to the Archived status
Warning: This might have pricing implications.
Can Clone Event
  • Access a trip's Details tab
  • Clone a previous event
Warning: This might have pricing implications.
Can Change Individual Travel Dates
  • Access a trip's Detailstab
  • Change individual travel dates for trip participants
Can Manage Funding
  • Access a trip's Fundingtab
  • Manage trip funding
  • Manage participant funding for a trip
  • Add funds to trip participants
  • Move funds to and from trip participants
  • Refund trip funding
Can View Funding
  • Access a trip's Funding tab
  • View trip funding
  • View participant funding for a trip
Note: These admins can view trip funding but can't interact with it or change it.
Can Manage Refunds
  • Access a trip's Funding tab
  • Manage processing refunds through Go Method
Can Manage Event Templates
  • Access the Events > Event Templates tab
  • Manage event templates
Can Create Event Requests
  • Access the Events > Event Requests tab
  • Request an event created from a template
Can Approve Event Requests
  • Access the Events > Event Requests tab
  • View pending event requests
  • Edit pending event requests
  • Approve pending event requests
  • Deny pending event requests

Notes Rights

These rights are permissions specifically for profile notes and/or event notes. Profile notes are notes about participants and are housed in the user's profile. For example, a note that the user has attended multiple mission trips and they'd like to be a trip leader on a future mission trip. Event notes are notes specifically about participants on a trip. For example, a note that a certain participant offered to help unload supplies upon arriving at your mission trip destination. You can make both profile notes and event notes confidential so that only those with access to confidential notes can view them.

To access these rights, go to Admin > Manage Admins > Roles.
Permission NamePermission Abilities
Can View Profile Notes
  • Access the Most Recent Notes section when searching for a Go Method user
  • Create profile notes about another participant
  • View profile notes about another participant
Note: This permission cannot view confidential notes about another participant.
Can View Confidential Profile Notes
  • Access the Most Recent Notes section when searching for a Go Method participant
  • View confidential notes about another participant
Can View Event Notes
  • Access the Notes tab for participants going on a trip
  • Create notes for participants going on a trip
  • View notes for participants going on a trip
Note: This permission cannot view confidential notes about a trip participant.
Can View Confidential Event Notes
  • Access the Notes tab for participants going on a trip
  • View confidential notes about trip participants