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11.1B Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Ministry Scheduler 11.1B, released for desktop 12-6-23 and OnDemand 12-7-23, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Advanced Field Calculations in Listing Reports
  • Have you ever wanted to show information in a listing report, but the program didn't have a field for it? Now, you can add your own custom fields based on a calculation or code!
  • For example, you may want to see the initials of all your ministers in a separate column. There's not an existing field for initials, so you can add a custom field that creates them. See Add Custom Fields in Listings for steps.

    Example showing the calculation code for a custom field and the resulting column in the report

  • You can also use your custom fields in Additional Selections! For example, only include ministers in your listing if their initials contain the letter 'B'.

    Example showing the custom field used in Additional Selections and the resulting entries in the report

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