11.0F Release
If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.
PDS Ministry Scheduler 11.0F, released for desktop 6-13-23 and OnDemand 6-22-23, offers the following enhancements.
New and Improved Features
Ever wondered which keywords are actually used in your data? Now, you can see the count for each keyword, which shows the number of records that use it. In any keyword list, click Show Count to display the Count column. You might use this number, for example, to determine whether you should keep or delete a particular keyword.
The Help Center (what you're reading now) is getting a new look! All the same help articles you need will still be available at help.acst.com, and you can still click the help icon
in PDS to get here.
With the new look, we also have new features to enhance your Help Center experience. You can easily navigate between solutions, stay up-to-date on what's new, and find useful links to training, support, and more. Keep an eye out for those changes coming July 12!
We fixed an issue that was reported internally to our team.