How to Register for MissionInsite
Before you can log in to MissionInsite, upload your people, map your congregants, and explore your ministry area, you must register for MissionInsite.
You'll need your agency's unique agency ID code, provided by MissionInsite.
- Navigate to, then click Client Login.
- Click Register as a new user?
- In the District/Agency Account Number field, enter your unique account ID, then click Submit.
- Under Organization Details, select your city and organization.
- Under Login Setup, create a MissionInsite account with your email address, or use an external provider to create an account.
- Under General Information, enter your First Name, Last Name, and Role/Position.
- Review the terms, then select Accept Terms. If applicable, you can opt out of email correspondence. However, we recommend receiving emails, so to stay informed about system updates and new features. In addition, if you opt out of product emails, you will not receive a confirmation email.
- Click Register.
After completing your registration, you'll receive an email with the subject Confirm Your Email. To confirm your account, you must click on the link in this email. The link is valid for 24 hours. If you don't see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.
Once you confirm your account, your agency administrator must approve it. When this happens, you'll receive another email. If you don't receive the email, please don't try to register again. Contact MissionInsite Support at 877-230-3212 for assistance.
Printable Registration Guide
The MissionInsite User Assistant
The User Assistant is a navigation aid.
After you login, the MissionInsite User Assistant displays essential mapping and community discovery building tools. To display the assistant at any time, in the Control Center, click .
- People Plot
- Generate Demographics Report
- Create Thematic Map
- Create Opportunity Scan
- Create/Export a Map
- Neighbor Center
- Purchase Address List
People Plot Plot congregants' data on the map or upload data into MissionInsite. This lets you see where congregants are to make effective decisions. Generate Demographics Report Generate a custom or predefined report. Start by selecting or drawing geographic boundaries, then choose a predefined report or create a custom report. Create Thematic Map Display mission realities and opportunities on a map down to the neighborhood level. You can choose from more than 76 demographic variables and customize the map's geography size and color palette. Create Opportunity Scan View potential ministry opportunities based on current population estimates and projections based upon census data. Opportunity scans let you target specific demographic variables, analyze and identify regional, community, and neighborhood ministry potential, and determine top ministry target areas. Start by selecting or drawing geographic boundaries, then choose demographic variables. You can scan by geography to create a custom map and select strategic ministry targets. Create Export Map Export a map of a selected geographic area. You can choose map overlays and plot data. Neighbor Center Enter an address to find and plot neighbors based on attributes such as gender, marital status, age, children in household, and more. Purchase Address List If you want to create a mailing campaign to reach local and surrounding communities based on data points, purchase an address list. Addresses are updated regularly, and you can view pricing. You will receive a .csv file from MissionInsite. We do not create mailers, and you are responsible for sending the mailing and all postage costs.