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Review Your Organization's Profile

In MissionInsite, you can add a new church, edit church information, or a delete a church's profile.

Add a New Church

You can add a new church to your agency's MissionInsite study.

To do this, you must be an Agency Manager.

  1. On the Control Center, click Navigate Home, then expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Under Location Info, click Church.
  3. Click Add New Location.
  4. Enter the name, address, contact, website, email, notes, or other information, then click Save.

After saving, your church displays in the list.

Edit Church Information

You can edit a church's description, contact information, address, website, or notes.

When you update a church or service location's street address, the map automatically updates.

To do this, you must be an Agency Manager.

  1. On the Control Center, click Navigate Home, then expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Under Location Info, click Church Info.
  3. Double-click on the church you want to edit.
  4. Make any necessary changes, then click Save.

After saving your changes, the list of churches displays. You can edit another church's information or return to MissionInsite.

Delete a Church

You can delete a church from your agency's MissionInsite study. To do this, you must be an Agency Manager.

  1. On the Control Center, click Navigate Home, then expand Administration and Tools.
  2. Under Location Info, click Church Info.
  3. In the list of churches, locate the church you want to delete, then click Delete.
  4. When the confirmation message displays, click OK.