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Searching in MinistryPlatform

Searching is one of the most common and powerful tasks in MinistryPlatform.

The List and Grid layouts show the first 1,000 records, and scrolling through records isn't always practical. But don't worry, there are several other ways to find what you're looking for.

  • By View: Views are like windows to your data, every time you choose one, the system will return the latest results. They not only control any filters such as showing you birthdays this month, but they control what columns you see and what order those columns are in. In database terms a view is like a query, it is a question you are asking the system and the system is returning the answer. You can take views to the next level by creating and customizing views of your own using the Advanced Search Tool.
  • By Column: You can narrow your search to specific or multiple columns.
  • By Wildcard: You can narrow your search using wildcards to find what you're looking for, even if you don't know exactly what that is.
  • Global Search: Global Search returns matches across multiple Pages.