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Add an Existing User

Add an existing MinistryPlatform user to Growth Method to connect the user's information in both platforms.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator to do this.
Add MinistryPlatform users as Growth Method users to push track information to the contact log in MinistryPlatform with the actual user that made the connection.
Note: You can also use this process to link a user account created in Growth Method that does not yet exist in MinistryPlatform. In this case, linking a Growth Method user to MinistryPlatform provides the user the option to log into Growth Method using their MinistryPlatform credentials.
CAUTION: Once a user is connected to a MinistryPlatform user, you can't break that link. You must delete a user that you no longer need.
  1. Click your name and click User Management.
  2. Click Invite a User.
  3. Click Add existing user from MP.
    This removes the fields for first name, last name, and email. These fields are replaced with a text box.
  4. Type the name of the MinistryPlatform user you want to add to Growth Method in the text box.
    Note: The search is based on the person's username in MinistryPlatform. You don't need to type the entire username to find the user - as long as the username starts with the text you entered in the search box, Growth Method can find it.
    A list of MinistryPlatform users matching the username you entered appears.
  5. Click the name of the MinistryPlatform user you want to add to Growth Method.
  6. From here, you can assign the user roles as you normally would. If you need to change the user you selected, click Change and repeat the previous process.
  7. Click Save.
You've add a user that exists in MinistryPlatform!
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