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Create a Role

Assign permissions to your Growth Method users.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator to do this.
If you have several people using Growth Method, you can create roles to limit what they can and can't do in the system. For example, if you have several full-time employees using Growth Method but also several volunteers helping you with paperwork, you can create an admin role for your full-time employees to access everything in the system and a Cards Worker role for your volunteers to only access certain permissions in the Cards tab in Growth Method. Once you create a role, you can assign users to the role.
  1. Click your name and click User Management.
  2. Click Roles.
  3. Click Create a Role.
  4. Enter the Role Name and Role Description.
  5. To select the Role Permissions, click the check box next to the permission(s) you want this role to have. Options include:
    • Account Admin: Individuals with this permission have total access in Growth Method.
    • Cards: Admins can manage card templates and digitally scanned card batches, while Workers can only manage digitally scanned card batches.
    • CSV: Admins can manage CSV templates and CSV import batches, while Workers can only manage CSV import batches.
    • Online Forms: Admins can manage online forms and online form submissions, while Workers can only manage online form submissions.
    • Tracks: Admins can create and manage tracks, leaders, steps and communications, while Leaders can only communicate with people in a track.
    • Campaigns: Admins can create and manage campaigns for all campaign numbers and create/manage campaign numbers, while Workers can only create and manage campaigns for numbers assigned to them and create/manage campaigns for their assigned mobile office number.
    • Global Phone Access: Individuals with this permission can see the detailed conversations from all phone numbers in Growth Method.
    A list of all the available permissions you can assign to a role.
  6. Click Save.
You can now assign users to this role.