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Growth Mobile App

With the Growth mobile app, pastors and care teams have a personalized ministry tool to use anywhere they go. Stay up-to-date on ministry engagement, communicate with staff and members, and meet ministry goals with task tracking. Use this tool on a daily basis to add or update information in your system, add people to specific tracks, and create authentic relationships with your congregants.

The areas in the Growth app that help you organize your ministry are:

  • Dashboard - See an overview of activity and assignments on your dashboard.

  • Actions - Get an overview of your actions and mark them complete when done.

  • People Search - Search for and find people. You can then view and edit a person’s profile.

  • Tracks - Get an overview of tracks, or see where an individual person is on their track. You can add people to a track or reassign them to another track.

  • In-App Communication - Text and call people from within the app.

Download the Growth app:

iPhone: https://apps.apple.com/app/id6451263526
