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Submit a Batch

After you insert or upload information to a batch, you can submit the batch.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Scanned Cards Admin or Worker to do this.
  • A card template must be set up before you can create a batch.
Submitting a batch is part of the batch management process. Once you select the file you want to upload, you submit the batch and then verify the batch.
  1. Once you upload batch files, click Clear completed tasks.
  2. Click Submit Batch.
    You will see a preview of the files you uploaded to the batch in the Uploaded Files section. The Next Steps section shows the upcoming steps in the batch process.
  3. After submitting the batch, click out to the main batch menu to see the status of your batch.
The batch will now change to Auto Reading Handwriting status. The Auto Reading Handwriting status may take a while, so you may perform other tasks while waiting for the batch to change to Waiting for Verification status.