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Create a Batch

Upload information scanned from handwritten cards into your system using batches.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Scanned Cards Admin or Worker to do this.
  • A card template must be set up before you can create a batch.
You must create a batch to upload congregant information into Growth Method. Use a cards batch to upload a set of handwritten cards, for example new member information cards, into the system.
  1. Click Cards > Card Batches
  2. Click Create a Batch.
  3. Select the template that matches the cards you want to upload.
    Note: If your card template has two pages, be sure to include two pages, even if one page is blank. This tells Growth Method where one card stops and another starts.
  4. Enter the batch date.
  5. Optional: Based on your ChMS, there may be additional options, such as Use the Batch Date as a membership date for anyone inserted into MinistryPlatformMinistryPlatform or Update campus to Home Church for any person found on this card.
  6. Optional: Select Manually verify all values before continuing to review each card to verify that the information is correct and matches what is on the handwritten card.
  7. Click Create Batch.