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September 3, 2024

These enhancements or updates were released on or before September 3, 2024.


Delete events directly from setup mode. You no longer need to launch and archive an event to remove it. Now to delete an event in setup mode, go to the Status tab and select Delete. Provide a deletion reason and confirm by clicking Yes, Change Status. Deleting an event permanently removes all event information.

Type your reason for deleting the event in the text box.


Getting ready for trips? Just a heads-up: check your credits and documents before launching trips. If you're running low on trip credits, a message displays saying, You don't have enough credits to launch this trip. If you're running low on signed documents for sub-accounts, a message displays saying, Sub-account does not have enough signed document credits to launch this trip. If you're adding or editing trip prerequisites and don't have enough credits, a message displays saying, Sign Document requirements need document credits to launch.

Warning message when there are not enough purchased credits to launch a trip.

Warning message when there are not enough signed document credits to launch a trip.

Warning message when there are not enough credits while adding or editing prerequisites.