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Mass Accept or Reject Applicants

You can accept or reject several applicants at once by mass accepting or rejecting the applicants. This can save you time when reviewing applicants.

  • You must be a Go Method admin to do this.
  1. Click Events > My Applicants.
  2. To select the applicants you want to accept or deny, click the check box next to the applicant's name. To select all the applicants listed, click the check box next to Applicant.
    The number of applicants and Approve and Reject buttons appear at the top of the list.
  3. To approve the selected applicants all at once, click Approve. To reject the group of selected applicants, click Reject.
  4. Optional: Include an approval or rejection message to the applicants you selected.
  5. To finish mass approving the selected applicants, click Accept # People. To finish mass rejecting the selected applicants, click Reject # People. The number in the button reflects the number of applicants that are selected.
You have mass approved or mass rejected the applicants you selected. Rejected applicants cannot reapply for the trip.